April 2020 Brags

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Welcome to my brag post for April 2020.

These brag posts are a way to recap the wins from the prior month and a fun way to stop and smell the roses.

Since I’ve been in quarantine all of April 2020 there isn’t a *ton* to recap, but, here are some of my most recent wins:

1. My mom’s birthday was on April 2nd and while I couldn’t see her in person, I put a treasure trove of random presents on her outside bench. I put in new clothes, pictures from Gabriel (including his original pages from the Kindle book we wrote), some treats I had laying around, etc.

As a bonus, on the way to her house she told me that she had been looking forward to a toasted coconut donut for her birthday. She went to the Dunkin Donuts near her that morning and they were out, and with all of the stress about quarantine etc, she just lost it and started crying.

I stopped at the Dunkin Donuts near me, got the donut she wanted (all while she was on the phone – I put her on mute and handled it like a ninja) and included it in her treasure chest of goodies.

I’m putting this as a “win” because I know she really enjoyed going through everything and this was a nice life memory. It was really nice to be able to make her feel special even though we couldn’t celebrate normally.

2. Upon recapping my Quarter 1 goals, I did a good job on them:

  • Income goal – was slightly shy of the goal, but +111.46% from last year thanks to setting the goal in the first place
  • Net profit goal – we hit the net profit #

I had another goal that was ambiguous and only got ambiguous results, ha, so I’ll do better on that in the future.

3. I started Zoom dance parties with friends! I’ve been having a fantastic time dancing every afternoon for at least 20 minutes. The practice has brought a lot of happiness to my life.

4. The warehouse is up to its eyeballs in orders. We’ve had to hire 50+ people to keep up with demand! We’ve made 90.74% more mugs this April than in April 2019 and the number goes up everyday.

5. I’ve been posting a couple new videos on my YouTube channel and will continue to add more. It’s been fun to do this and I really enjoy outlining, creating, and posting the videos!

6. I’ve been consistent on 7 Minute Workout, which has been really fun. I did this every day in April and earned 2 free workouts on this app.

7. We finally got the sales letter for SpotNiches up! I love this little tool.

8. I’m down 1% on body fat! My weight has been ridiculously hard to move for years now, and while the # hasn’t changed, I went to the doctor for my annual physical and he says I’ve gained muscle and lost 1% of body fat. For how hard it’s been — I’ll take what I can get!

9. I offered Don’t Get Sucked Into Bad News, a book I wrote a while ago, for free for a week in April. I didn’t check stats too well but at one point it was in the top 1000 books being downloaded, so that was great!

10. There have been fun little life things like attending a Zoom birthday party for Don’s niece Harley, going to my book club via Zoom, and regular weekly (sometimes more often) Zoom chats with friends. :)

11. My Amazon store is going well – here are last month’s sales:

12. I had given myself a challenge to make $50k by Fathers Day on a new Etsy store and everything is going according to plan!

Sales were slow for the beginning of the month but I feel like we’ve made some big momentum and you can see the big jumps towards the end of the month:

We’re currently on pace to hit that $50k ahead of schedule, so yay for that.

13. More important than my results, people are KILLING IT in Jumpstart and Low Hanging System! Check out some of their latest wins:

That’s it for me – how did April go for you? I’d love to celebrate with you, so post away!

April business brags

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