August 2014 Brags

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I’m up waiting for Don to get home from his flight, so I figured I’d make my August brag post now.

As always, this is meant for ALL OF US to celebrate. Please feel free to post your big wins too. I love hearing what you’re proud of.

Here are my big wins for August:

1. I launched my podcast on August 11th. It made it to #28 overall in the USA, is still at the top of its category, and has gotten over 140 reviews and just under 16k downloads in 20 days. I also have 12 episodes ready to go and have been super excited to just serve, serve, serve.

2. I released a book – Take Control Of Your Life. It made it all the way to #83 on Amazon. Wild.

3. I started a new community for people who want to be in positive surroundings (A Better Life: If you have a choice, choose a better life.) – and it’s going great. I love it. (Feel free to join!)

4. My new article on MindBodyGreen was shared over 1k times.

5. I hired an awesome new VA to help me with podcast, book, and article distribution. She also helped me knock my social media goals out of the park. I’m in love with her.

6. Social media – up to over 31k followers, which I’ve mentioned I’ve been tracking in order to get sponsorships for my event (side brag: I finished the rough draft sales page for that too!)

7. I completed a 13 day dairy cleanse to see how much dairy affects me. (It was supposed to be 14 days, but since I wasn’t seeing results from it, we figured it was fine to stop.)

8. I took a few days totally offline, which was pretty amazing.

9. I ate some form of green vegetable with 87 meals this month, up from 54 in July.

My biggest leverage point was consistent morning smoothies. You’re welcome to try out my recipe here:

I tracked my food again this month, which makes 3 full months that I’ve been tracking how I feel before and after everything I eat. It helps. A LOT. I’ve had more energy than I’ve had in forever by doing this, and it’s constantly improving.

10. I tracked every single piece of money that came in or out this month. I recorded all my income, anything I spent (biz or personal), and took notes on it.

This was SO helpful. I might not do this forever, but I was going unconscious around what I was spending and got a lot of insight from this practice. Tracking is always super helpful.

If you want my (super super simple) spreadsheet, download it here:

11. I met my financial goals this month (with 6 hours to spare!)

12. I hosted several amazing Power Hour coaching calls. I haven’t done them in a while, but it felt really nice to serve people like that and to help people create such precise action plans after only 60 minutes. It was nice to be one-on-one again.

13. I got to do lots of creation – made several new podcasts and finished a new book (plus submitted more under a pen name to Kindle).

I think those are the big ones. What about you? What are you celebrating?

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