Here are my top tips to increase your sales on Etsy

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Selling on Etsy is one of the best ways to make extra money online. But if you’ve been struggling to make sales, you can do a lot of different things to give your Etsy sales a boost.

And in this post, I will outline ten of the most important techniques you can try.

These tips are based on my own personal experience as an Etsy seller. They have worked for me. And I hope they will be helpful to you as well.

Let’s take a look…

1) Use high-quality images

This is one of the most important things you can do to increase your sales. Make sure that your product photos are clear, well-lit, and professional looking. This will make a big difference in terms of how much traffic your listings get and how many people convert into buyers.

2) Use keywords in your title and tags

When people search for products on Etsy, they use specific keywords to do so. So if you want your listings to be found, you need to make sure you use those same keywords in your title and tags.

Do some research and find out what keywords people use when they search for products like yours. Then, make sure to include those keywords in your listing title and tags.

Here are some websites you can use to find great keywords for your listings:

  • Erank
  • Keywords Everywhere
  • Google Adwords Keyword Planner

3) Write compelling product descriptions

Your product descriptions should be clear, concise, and persuasive. They should tell potential buyers everything they need to know about your product and why they should buy it.

To write great product descriptions, think about what makes your product unique and special. What are its best features? Why would someone want to buy it?

Answering these questions will help you write descriptions that sell.

4) Offer discounts and promotions

Who doesn’t love a good sale? Offering Etsy coupons and discounts is a great way to increase your sales, especially if you’re just starting out.

Etsy makes it easy to offer discounts and promotions. And you can use them to target specific buyers or encourage people to buy more than one item from you.

5) Get involved in Etsy teams

Joining an Etsy team is a great way to get exposure for your shop and products. When you’re a member of a team, you can share your listings in the team’s forums and on social media.

This is an awesome way to reach new potential customers and drive traffic to your shop. Plus, you can make friends and build relationships with other Etsy sellers.

To find teams, go to Or, you can search for teams on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter.

6) Participate in Etsy treasuries

Etsy treasuries are curated collections of Etsy listings. They’re created by Etsy members and featured on the Etsy homepage.

Getting your product featured in a treasury is a good way to get exposure and drive traffic to your listing, and it can lead to increased sales.

7) Advertise your products on social media

Social media is a powerful marketing tool that you can use to promote your Etsy shop and products. Create social media accounts for your business and start sharing your listings with your followers.

Make sure to post high-quality images and write compelling content with hashtags to get people interested in your products. You can also use social media ads to reach a wider audience.

You can create profiles on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.

8) Offer free shipping

Offering free shipping is a great way to increase your sales. Buyers love free shipping, and it can encourage them to buy more from you.

If you’re not sure if you can afford to offer free shipping, consider raising your prices a bit and offering it as an incentive. That way, you’ll still make a profit, and buyers will be more likely to purchase from you.

9) Provide excellent customer service

Customer service is important, no matter what business you’re in. And it’s especially important on Etsy, where buyers can leave reviews and ratings for sellers.

Make sure you’re providing excellent customer service to your customers. This includes responding to messages and questions promptly, being polite and professional, and offering refunds or exchanges when necessary.

10) Stay active on Etsy

The more active you are on Etsy, the more likely you are to make sales. So make sure you’re regularly logging in and updating your shop.

Post new products often, share your listings on social media, and participate in Etsy teams and treasuries. The more you do, the more success you’ll have on Etsy.

These are just a few of the many things you can do to increase your sales on Etsy. So get started today and see the difference it makes.

I hope you find this post helpful! If you have any other tips you can share about increasing your earnings from home by selling on Etsy, leave a comment below. And if you enjoyed this post, please share it with your friends and followers.

Here are my top tips to increase your sales on Etsy

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