January 2015 Brags

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January 2015 brags | @rachelrofe | You brag too!Time for another brag post. I hope you join in the comments!

Here are some things I’m proud of from January, in no particular order:

1. I launched Podcast Prodigy on January 16th. I am SO proud of the course and know it is crazy-helpful for people. The launch went very well, selling just over 600 units. This is an evergreen course that people will continue to purchase for a long time to come.

It also won Product Of The Day on JVZoo.


2. I woke up on January 1st to find out that one of my articles was published on Huffington Post. It got over 2,000 social shares.

3. My book, 5 Minute Morning Boosters, got to #65 on Amazon:

#65 on Amazon(You can see a post on how that happened right here.)

4. My podcast was downloaded 17,268 times this month, which is an increase of +501 downloads from last month.

5. My social media presence went from a total of 47,223 followers on January 1st on social media sites like Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube to 51,693 on January 31st. That’s an increase of +4,470 followers.

6. I started tracking email subscribers on January 9th. I went from a total of 38,967 contacts on the 9th to 39,440 on the 31st. That’s an increase of +473 new subscribers.

(Can you tell I love tracking everything?)

7. I walked approximately 22 miles in one weekend to win a FitBit challenge, and then about 66.5 miles total in another week.

I was also #5 in my PCOS group in FitBit.

I’ve been walking a TON lately, averaging 5-10 miles per day.

FitBit steps | http://www.RachelRofe.comThis shows 131k steps, but my highest weekly amount was actually around 133k.

8. Don and I went to Cabo and had an awesome time! It was a perfect decompression after my launch and we both really needed the break. And because it was rainy for some of the time, Don taught me how to play chess while we were there. It’s fun!

Here’s Don making random faces on the balcony:

Don Wilson making funny faces | http://www.RachelRofe.com

9. I signed up for some classes that I’ve been interested in for years. They’re all about harnessing your intuition.

10. I wrote a blog post that’s getting great feedback, 19 Ways To Monetize Your Podcast.

11. This great email dropped in my inbox:

Wanted to drop you a line to share a win with you, and again say a massive thank you for all you‘ve done.  Following and implementing your strategies, I launched this book in June last year.  It’s been a steady income earner for me (maybe $200-$300/month) and then this month it’s just exploded, given the time of year, etc. 
I’m over the moon with the result and not sure how to really leverage it from here. Regardless, it’s been such a buzz over the last few days and I wanted to reach out and say thank you for all you do in terms of helping others.
It’s certainly been a great start for 2015 for me, thanks to you!

12. My monthly spend was really great. In August, I spent $13,526.30. In September, I spent $13,675.90. in October, $10,559.07. In November, $8881.45. In December, $7192.90. January’s spend was $9,120.82, which covered a lot of affiliate prizes and a pricy dentist appointment. That number includes all business expenses (where most of my money goes) and some affiliate payments (luckily, on my last launch, JVZoo auto-paid most people).

So those are some things I’m happy about! What about you? Brag away!

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