What can I sell online without spending money upfront?

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Want to sell online products but NOT risk a bunch of (or any) cash? This show is for you. :)The holidays are coming up and it’s an great time to be able to sell items online. If you’d like to know how you can sell without spending any money upfront, this show is for you.

This show was created thanks to this question from Matt:

“How can I sell products online without having to spend big money on minimum order quantities? I’ve read about people trying to hire from China and it costs a ton of money. I’m about to be a new dad and would love to jump in to shopify but am still stuck with finding and sourcing a product that sells without losing my shirt.”

If you have a question you’d like me to answer, please head over to //rachelrofe.com/questions and ask!

Notes From The Show:

Why I don’t like to buy inventory upfront:

– You don’t know if inventory will sell – it’s a big risk.

– May have to spend thousands of dollars.

– Dealing with wholesalers can be frustrating.


– 740 of 822 items from UseGearBubble

– Upload design – can design yourself, pay someone on Fiverr, work with designer, split royalties, pick a price, instantly get a site to sell on.

– UGB handles fulfillment + customer service.

– Built for direct marketing.

– Upsell like items, like a mug to a necklace with the same design

– Can sell directly on site or using dropship program. Get ROI on free campaign first.

– Sign up no matter what, you’ll get free training from 7-figure marketer. Will help with anything you sell, even if not UGB.


– Re-sell items for a profit (i.e. sell a watch for $13 that you find on eBay for $10)

– Go to rachelrofe.com/shopify for 20% off.

– You can contact sellers and ask to ship without their packaging or for permission to use their pictures. Most sellers are fine since they’re getting exactly what they asked for.

– You can use multiple addresses.

– Customers don’t always know items are available on eBay – many people don’t comparison shop, different titles, plus you’re giving convenience of curating for them.

– Can buy your own inventory after proven concept.

– Can do this on Amazon too.

– Make sure to check your emails every day to fulfill orders. People won’t want to wait.

– I’ve sold 26 items of last 822 sales from here.


– Had my sister print out, cut, and send stickers. She fulfilled as orders came in.

– Gave her a design, posted on my store. I made stickers one color + easily cut out, though she has now upgraded her printer so it’s not an issue.

– Offered free stickers + $2.95 shipping and handling. $.95 profit + got people on mailing list to re-market to, was very easy.

– Sold 56 stickers on this store, 60+ on another.

– Stickers are excellent impulse buy.

– Hands off if you auto-forward sticker orders to her.

– Can find Jackie right here: https://www.facebook.com/ImaginationsPlus

Links and Resources Mentioned:

UseGearBubble – I used this to sell 740 of my last 822 items.

Fiverr – You can use this site to get $5 designs.

eBay.com – You can re-sell items from here.


RachelRofe.com/questions – Post here if you have any questions you think I can help with

RachelRofe.com/shopify – Get 20% off with this link.

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That all helps a lot in ranking this show and would be greatly appreciated. And if you have any comments or questions, leave a comment below!

Want to sell online products but NOT risk a bunch of (or any) cash? This show is for you. :)

BONUS! Find this helpful? To download this post as a PDF, click here!

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